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Updated: 2024-04-24

Sawadee kha, Sawadee khrap

Netherland, Ameland 2023

Home - Journeys - Netherland, Ameland 2023

On September 23, Pia comes up with the idea of going to Texel, Tom also wants to go to the Wadden, but then to Ameland.

On September 24, Tom looks for hotels on the internet. It's all quite expensive, 150 to 200 euros per night. And there seems to be more choice on Ameland, Texel looks like a gigantic campsite.

During a bit of cycling we decide that, despite the price, we still want to get away for a few days, leaving on September 26, returning on September 29.

At home we look at booking.com again and we choose Hotel-Restaurant De Jong in the center of Nes on Ameland for €107 per night, payable at the hotel, one night's rent is due in case of cancellation, and cannot be changed.
We book.

But we also have to go to Ameland and back, so to Wagenborg Passagiersdiensten, the ferry service site.
We can go there on September 26 at 2:00 PM and back during the day. But something goes wrong while booking, the ferry service website seems to be stuck.
Then try with another browser, Chrome. It turns out that the ferry is already full at the times we requested. We therefore sail there at 4:00 PM and back at 7:15 AM (in the morning). There is no other way. The booking will now be in order.

down  Tuesday, September 26, 2023
down  Wednesday, September 27, 2023
down  Thursday, september 28, 2023
down  Friday, September 29, 2023

Written on: 2023-09-25


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